♦ All functions related to personal files of the officers and employees of the Department
♦ All functions related to preparation of recruitment schemes for the posts of the Department, getting the posts approved.
♦ Preparation of cadre information and all information regarding the vacancies, information related to cadre registers and providing when necessary
♦ Preparation of annual salary estimate of the Department and all functions related to it.
♦ Leaves of the officers and employees of the Department and all functions related to it.
♦ Issuing railway warrants and concessionary season tickets of the officers and employees and all functions related to it.
♦ All functions regarding Agrahara Insurance of the officers and employees of the Department
♦ All functions related to directing officers and employees of the Department for training programmes
♦ All functions related to implementation of national language policy
♦ All functions related to loans of the all officers/ employees of the Department
♦ Bills for water, electricity, telephone, gas, newspaper, pharmaceuticals and office rents of all probation offices and the institutions belonged to the Department and payments and all activities related to rent contracts, tax bills etc.
♦ All activities related to security services, sanitary services and cleaning services of the institutions belonged to the Department
♦ Functions related to allowances such as day’s pay/ uniform allowances, labour allowances etc.
♦All functions related to maintenance, expulsion etc. of the vehicles belonged to the Department
♦ All functions related to transportation of children on court orders and all payments relating to it.
♦ All functions related to maintenance of machines of the Department